Alegoria do Valor e do Merecimento
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Having as a starting point the romantic interiors of the palace and its references to the poet Dante Alighieri, Allegory of worth and worthiness presents a duel from Limbo to Paradise through the corridors and stairs of the palace.
The performance presents to the audience a new perpective upon heritage, where the space are transformed by actions and sounds. The artist chooses spaces of passage, transitory in order to create a work that evokes historical references, allegorical and homage to Hollywood classics.
In this performance is explored the relationship between master and disciple in a different from what is presented in the Divine Comedy, despite the master conduct the student during almost all the duration of the performance, the relationship shifts along the way.
Allegory of Worth and Worthiness is part of the project European Exotic that has been developed by the artist since 2013 and it also contextualizes her currant residency. Soon other related events will be announced as well as an exhibition in the rooms of the palace.
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Alegoria do Valor e do Merecimento, 2015
Alegoria do Valor e do Merecimento, 2015