
Pega is a special moment within Portuguese bullfighting where 6 men must dominate the bull without any protections or weapons. Those who perform it are called ‘forcados’ and that’s what my father was.

Pega Doméstica, could be translated as Domestic Bullfight.
Domestic bullfighting is a game invented by Ana Fonseca based on the rules, traditions and costumes related with Portuguese Bullfighting.
Going through my father’s memories and artefacts from his time as a bullfighter I have learned about histories and stories.
His "little library" of bullfighting was the perfect complement for her research. Everything there ... waiting

The installation has the kit for domestic bullfighting, a portrait of her father and a table, to ground the work and reinforce the domestic aspect.
He was also called to tell "step by step" what to do and how to do it. All written down on the steps on the floor